Introduction to Hadith Classification and Nomenclature

In this course students will become acquainted with the most important terms in hadith criticism and gain a practical understanding of what these terms mean when applied in hadith analysis. The course follows Mabadi fi Usul al-Hadith, an introductory text to the science written by Shaykh Akram Nadwi.
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5 hours and 53 minutes in total

Number of Units


Course Overview

Studying the principles of hadith classification and terminology is a major component of hadith studies (ulum al-hadith). In this course students will become acquainted with the most important terms in hadith criticism and gain a practical understanding of what these terms mean when applied in hadith analysis. This book is part of a series of primers which introduce students to the Islamic Sciences
During the course the primary text will be read in Arabic along with its translation, commentary and relevance to the wider field.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
  • describe the difference between hadith and sunnah
  • discuss critically the methods used to classify hadith
  • differentiate the level of authenticity between hadith narrations
  • understand the six canonical hadith collections