This course contains a brief overview of the Sahih of al-Bukhari as well as an in-depth analysis of the work’s second portion – Kitab al-Iman, or the Book of Faith. The bulk of the course consists of a detailed analysis of Kitab al-Iman that analyses Bukhari’s usage of chapter headings to posit theological and spiritual arguments, his usage of select narrators and narrations to attain the highest possible degree of authenticity, and his methodology in writing Sahih al-Bukhari in general. Alongside the technical hadith analysis there is a detailed discussion of the contents of the hadith within this chapter. The meaning of faith (iman) is elucidated upon in light of hadith, including its distinction from aqeeda, the role played by early theological schools in shaping these terms, and most importantly, insights from Bukhari on how to strengthen our iman and relation with Allah.
This course is a rare opportunity to study one of the most foundational issues in our Din, from one of the most foundational books in our heritage, with one of the most distinguished Hadith scholars in the world. With over 50 hours of content, this course reaches an unparalleled level of depth and intricacy.
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Outline of Bukhari’s methodology in hadith
- Have a comprehensive understanding of the contents of Sahih al-Bukhari’s Kitab al-Iman
- Understand the way Bukhari uses chapter headings and order to make spiritual, legal and theological arguments
- Understand the meaning of iman and how to best inculcate it within oneself
- Identify the role that theological schools play with regards to iman
- Understand the logic behind Bukhari’s preferences for different narrators and narrations