Sahih Bukhari: The Book of Revelation

This course covers a brief overview of Sahih al-Bukhari as well as an in-depth analysis of the work’s opening portion Kitab Badi’ al-Wahy, or the Book of Revelation. Bukhari’s expertise in hadith are detailed and assessment of his work by his contemporaries and even later commentaries are covered. The internal logic behind the Sahih’s organization is uncovered and how Bukhari uses them to make legal arguments.
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11 hours and 48 minutes in total

Number of Units


Course Overview

This course covers a brief overview of Sahih al-Bukhari as well as an in-depth analysis of the work’s opening portion Kitab Badi’ al-Wahy, or the Book of Revelation. Bukhari’s expertise in hadith are detailed and assessment of his work by his contemporaries and even later commentaries are covered. The internal logic behind the Sahih’s organization is uncovered and how Bukhari uses them to make legal arguments. Many different manuscripts of Sahih Bukhari are discussed as well as their benefits and drawbacks. The majority of the course covers Sahih Bukhari’s first portion in incredible meticulous detail regarding both allowing great insight into Bukhari’s methodology for this esteemed work.
This course is a rare opportunity to study the most authentic narrations about the origins of revelation, from one of the most important books in Islamic history, with one of the most distinguished Hadith scholars in the world.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
  • Have a comprehensive understanding of the contents of Sahih al-Bukhari’s Kitabu Bad’ al-Wahy
  • Understand the relevance of Sahih al-Bukhari
  • Compare and contrast Sahih al-Bukhari to other hadith collections
  • Understand Bukhari’s usage of organization to make legal arguments
  • Gain an understanding of Bukhari’s methodology and criteria
  • Understand the organization, explication, and implications of Sahih al-Bukhari’s Book of Revelation