Sahih Muslim: Al Muqaddimah

This course covers the Sahih of Muslim’s introductory section in great depth along with an overview of Muslim and Bukhari’s methodologies and the differences between them. The early acceptance of Sahih Bukhari and Muslim into hadith canon is discussed along with a history of Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj including his life, teachers, quality of transmission (isnad), and legal affiliation (madhab).
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13 hours and 18 minutes in total

Number of Units


Course Overview

This course covers the Sahih of Muslim’s introductory section in great depth along with an overview of Muslim and Bukhari’s methodologies and the differences between them. The early acceptance of Sahih Bukhari and Muslim into hadith canon is discussed along with a history of Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj including his life, teachers, quality of transmission (isnad), and legal affiliation (madhab).
The Muqaddimah of Sahih Muslim’s is important for understanding the way he has organised his book, including the crucial distinctions he makes between primary hadith (usul), supporting hadith (mutabaʿat), and preambulatory hadith. Understanding Muslims own organisation of his work is crucial, as re-organisations by later scholars have led to a great deal of confusion about what is authentic.
This course is a unique opportunity to benefit from someone with unmatched expertise, Shaikh Akram Nadwi is one of the world leading experts on Hadith and is currently working on an extensive commentary on Sahih Muslim.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
  • Understand the methodologies of early hadith scholars including Muslim and Bukhari
  • Gain a brief overview of Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj and his scholarship
  • Understand the basic differences between Bukhari and Muslim’s methodologies
  • Recognise Sahih Muslim’s internal structure and how it contrasts with later attempts at organisation
  • Understand Muslim’s characterization and division of narrators within his Sahih
  • Understand the influence and significance of Muslims Kitab al-Tamyiz