أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ ٱلْقُرْءَانَ أَمْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَآ
Do they not reflect upon the Qur’ān, or are there locks upon their hearts? [Q47:24}
Tadabbur, deeply reflecting upon the Quran, its meanings and message, is key to the believers engagement with the Book of Allah. So how should we keep our hearts open to the Quran? What do we need in order to practise tadabbur? And what is the difference between a personal engagement with the Quran as opposed to a scholarly engagement with the Quran? With many people feeling unqualified to reflect upon the Quran, especially as more and more scholarly content becomes available online, this vital practice can be neglected by many Muslims. In addition to this, with so many personal interpretations also being shared in social contexts, the lines are becoming increasingly blurred.
In order to address some of these critical questions, this short course is designed to provide clarity on the meaning & nature of tadabbur, as well provide guidance on its practise. It will also expose students to the basic methodological tools required for deeply reflecting upon the Quran.
Upon successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Understand the importance of tadabbur in the life of a believer
- Differentiate between ta’wīl, tadabbur & tafsīr
- Be aware of the method and personal limitations when practising tadabbur
- Have clarity on some common misunderstandings of selected verses of the Quran