Tafsir of Surah al-Kahf

This course consists of a detailed ayah by ayah commentary on Surah al-Kahf. The tafsir remains relevant and easy to understand at all times and is designed to help Muslims apply its practical lessons in everyday life. The Surah’s themes are discussed in great depth such as the purpose of the Qur’an, tawakkul or trust upon Allah, patience, arrogance, and understanding Allah’s commands
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14 hour and 36 minutes in total

Number of Units


Course Overview

This course consists of a detailed ayah by ayah commentary on Surah al-Kahf. The tafsir remains relevant and easy to understand at all times and is designed to help Muslims apply its practical lessons in everyday life. The Surah’s themes are discussed in great depth such as the purpose of the Qur’an, tawakkul or trust upon Allah, patience, arrogance, and understanding Allah’s commands. Several intricacies within the surah’s Arabic are discussed. Surah al-Kahf is well known for its notable stories and this course covers each one in great detail. These include the Sleepers in the Cave, the Man with Two Gardens, Shaytan’s rebellion, Musa and Khidr, as well as Dhul Qarnayn and Yaʾjuj and Maʾjuj. In addition to these topics the course discusses the various ahadith, narrations of the Prophet ﷺ, regarding the virtues of Surah Kahf.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will:
  • Understand Surah al-Kahf’s overarching themes and their real life application
  • Recognize how Islam relates reason, guidance, and trust in Allah
  • Identify the important lessons within the Story of the Cave
  • Learn how patience and arrogance both relate to Allah’s favors
  • Explain what the Story of the Two Gardens states about effort and success
  • Gain a deeper understanding of Iblis’ story, intentions, and methodology
  • Learn the ideal way of approaching and understanding the Qur’an
  • Recognize the importance and purpose of Musa’s journey with Khidr
  • Appreciate the story of Dhul Qarnayn and understand Yaʾjuj and Maʾjuj
  • Gain a deeper understanding of Paradise and the Day of Judgement